Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Busy Body...

I had a super duper busy night last night! Once I got home from work, we had some of that delicious cheesecake then it was off to soccer practice for my son. His practice is from 6p-8p twice a week so I drop him off and my husband picks him up or vice versa. Well from the moment I stepped foot back in my door. I went to work on cleaning my bedroom. It is the one room of the house that is seriously neglected and becomes a dumping ground.
I took down all the curtains and blinds. Threw the curtains in the wash and the blinds in my big ole tub. I scrubbed them down and boy was that nasty!! I haven't done that since we have moved in. Sad to say but oh so true. Then it was time to dust the walls and wash the windows with some vinegar water mixture. I really think they need a 2nd cleaning before the blinds go back up. There was such a layer of ick on them. I am ashamed at how I have let my room go. I managed to go through some of the mounds of homeless stuff in my room. It is looking so much better but I have a long way to go still.
While working on my room I also managed to do 2 more loads of laundry, one of blankets and one of sheets. I have many more blankets to wash and put away, from the kids having friends over and such.
After all that I did the dishes and wiped the counters down and even took some soup and tylenol over to my middle daughters good friend who was sick. Poor girls got each other sick. Finally at 10pm I sat down at my laptop and uploaded a few pics that I posted last night. I was in bed by about 10:30 and very thankful to be there.

My ever so concerned hubby was wondering what got into me. Awww...thanks for the concern but it would have been so wonderful of him to offer to do something besides making sure the couch didn't run away. :o)

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